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Improvement job file


The improvement job file is an XML file containing the translation block(s). Each block the translation to improve on the language you selected in the To tab. The improvement job file is the result of the translation job analysis.

What you can do

If the improvement job file contains more than nine translation blocks, the blocks are grouped in sections. To view translation blocks in a section, double-click the section to expand it, in the same way as expanding sections in a content file.

It is possible to create a new translation block in the improvement job file.

Click More and select Create a block in the list. The result is a new translation block in the improvement job file, which contains empty language rows on the languages selected in the From and To tab.

It is possible to expand all language rows in every translation block in the improvement job file.

Click More and select Expand all translations on every block in the list.

You can run a test to check if there is a large deviation in the number of words or sentences between the translations in a translation block. If, for example the Swedish text is one word, but the British English translation contains many words it might indicate a translation error.

Click More and select Run a quality test in the list. Select Number of words or Number of sentences in the list that appears, depending on if you want to check deviation of words or sentences.

It is possible to analyze the translation blocks in the improvement job file to identify ambiguities. If two or more translation blocks in the translation memory contains the same source language text, an ambiguity exist.

An ambiguity is a homonym since the same spelling in a certain language can have different meanings but different translations.

Click More and select Find ambiguities in the list. The result is a list of translation blocks having the same source text, thus ambiguities.

Ambiguities are checked on the source language(s). The defined source language(s) are defined by a variable in Skribenta.