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File properties

Optimizing Skribenta

When a file is in edit mode, it is locked from editing by other users. Files are automatically unlocked upon controlled log-out.

To edit a locked file, access must be requested from the editing user. During editing, revision marks appear and are set in a file, allowing the user to keep track of changes made since the file was last checked in.

XML elements may be expanded (making content visible), or compressed (making content hidden).

Depending on settings, some elements are initially expanded or compressed. It’s possible to show or hide element tags, attributes, and attribute values.

Skribenta has a default screen style which determines how content is displayed. It’s possible to create customized screen styles.

The structure of the file can be displayed in normal, tree, or indented style. Content structures are evaluated by the Flex DTD. If a content structure violates the DTD, the errors are highlighted with pink or red tags.