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Translation block


A translation block appears as a table containing the translations. The translation block table has three columns and a number of rows. Each language row has a translation on a certain language. An empty cell in the third column on a language row indicates a missing translation.

What you can do

You add the translation by putting the caret in the empty language row cell and start writing or pasting content. You can add inline elements to match the content of the source language.

Edit the text in the language row cell to improve an existing translation.

Two languages rows are shown as default for a translation block. When the translation block contains more than two language rows, you can expand it to see all language rows.

Click All to expand all language rows in the translation block.

You can add a new language row in a translation block.

Click More in the translation block and select Create a translation in this block in the list. Select language in the list that appears. The result is a new language row in the translation block.

You can delete a language row in a translation block.

Click More in the translation block and select Show the Delete button in translations in the list. A Del button appears on every language row. To delete the language row from the translation job file and the translation memory, click Del.

Deleting a language row also delete any translation in the row. You do not need to click Update to update the translation memory to delete a language row.

You can copy the translations from one translation block to another.

In the translation block, from which you want to copy the translations, click More and select Copy translations from this block in the list.

In the translation block you want to paste the translations, click More and select Paste translation to this block in the list. The copied translation are added to the language rows in the translation block.

In case the translation block you paste the copied translations to contain a translation on the same language, you are asked to select which translation to use. The original and the pasted translation are presented with option buttons. Click the option button corresponding to the translation you want to keep.

Each translation block has a unique identity in the translation memory. This unique identity is a number, called the block ID. The block ID is presented in the first column of the translation block, prefixed by "Id:".

A translation block gets a block ID when it is created in the translation memory. You update the translation memory to create translation blocks.

A translation job file can contain translation block(s) that are not yet created in the translation memory. In such a case, the cell in the second column for the language row has a brown outer border and the block does not have a block ID.

The translation memory might contain other translation blocks having a similar source text as the one you are translating.

You can view a similar translation block and copy and paste its translations into the translation block you are currently working on. Then, you modify the copied translation to become a translation of the source text in the block you are currently working on.

Click Sim (located to the right of the language code). A list of similar translation blocks appears. In these similar translation blocks, the text that exists in both the current block and the similar block is highlighted in red.

The language row must contain word(s) to view similar translation blocks.

If two or more translation blocks in the translation memory contains the same source language text, an ambiguity exists.

An ambiguity is a homonym since the same spelling in a certain language can have different meanings but different translations. Ambiguities in the translation memory causes problems when, for example, publishing translations as Skribenta will not know which translation block to use.

You can allow two or more translation blocks to have the same source text in the translation memory by adding translation hints to the blocks. A translation hint is a label that distinguishes the block from the other block(s) having the same source text.

Double-click Hint in the first column in the translation block. A section appears. Write a hint to signify the particular meaning of the source text in the translation block.

The same translation hint must be added as a phrase of class translation-hint in the paragraphs, the translation block is valid for, in the content file(s).

You can delete an entire translation block from the translation memory.

Click More in the translation block and select Delete this block in the list. The translation block is deleted from the translation job file and the translation memory.

You do not need to click Update to update the translation memory to delete a translation block.

You can approve a text in a language row in the translation block. If the text is not approved, the cell in the second column of the language row has red borders.

Click More in the cell in the second column of the language row in the translation block and select Set status to approved on this text. The red borders of the cell in the second column of the language row are removed.

To remove the approved status for a text, click More in the cell in the second column of the language row and select Set status to NOT approved on this text. The cell in the second column of the language row gets red borders.

You can compare a translation to another. The comparison shows the difference on a character level.

Put the caret in the translation text that you want to use for the comparison. Press Ctrl+C to copy the translation text. Put the cursor in the other translation text that you want to compare. Press Ctrl+D. A dialog box showing the comparison appears.

When you update the translation memory, a memory version is created. You can view all translation blocks affected when the memory was updated from within the translation block.

Click the version designation button to the left of the Sim button.