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Translation job


The work to translate content to a target language is managed in a translation job. In a translation job, you start from a language and translate to a language.

You can translate new and modified content in content files (you create new translation blocks in the translation memory) and you can add translations to created translation blocks in the translation memory.

When you translate new and modified content, the from-language is the language the content file is written on. This from-language is usually referred to as the source language.

When you add new translations in existing translation blocks, the from-language is any of the languages that exist in a translation block. The to-language is a language that does not exist in the translation block.

A translation job is represented as a set of two table rows in the translation project file. The first table row in a translation job contains the functions you use to select, for example, the target language. The second table row contains the selections you do to, such as target language, the method you use to translate, etc.

The process of translating content in a translation job is independent of any other translation job in the same translation project file.

What you can do

Follow these steps to translate new and modified content:

  1. Select the language that you want to translate from.

  2. Select the target language that you want to translate to.

  3. Select the method on how to translate.

    You can translate directly in Skribenta, send the translation job to external translators, or send the job to another user in Skribenta having the Translator role.

  4. Select what you want to translate.

    You can translate new and modified content in, for example, a content file or existing texts in translation block(s).

  5. Analyze to create a translation job file containing the translation blocks having missing translations.

  6. Translate by adding translations in every translation block.

  7. Update the translation memory.

  8. Approve the translations.

  9. Close the translation job.

In the From column of the translation job, you select the language you translate from. When you translate a content file which is written on the source language British English (en), select en on the Language tab in the From column.

To change from-language, select the language in the list of active languages on the Language tab in the From column.

If you know the two letter from-language code, you can type the code directly in the empty cell in the From column. When you later analyze the translation job, Skribenta reads the code and sets the source language.

In the To column of the translation job, you select the target language to translate to. If, for example, you translate the new and modified content in a British English (en) content file to Swedish, select sv on the Language tab in the To column.

To change target to-language, select the language in the list of active languages on the Language tab in the To column.

If you know the two letter target to-language code, you can type the code directly in the empty cell in the To column. When you later analyze the translation job, Skribenta reads the code and sets the target language.

It is possible to translate content in four different ways.

It is possible to translate directly in Skribenta. In this case, you add the translations in the translation job file, which is created when you analyze the translation job.

Click Provider and By hand in the menu that appears to translate directly in Skribenta.

You can send the translation job as an XML file (compressed into a zip file) to an external translator. In this case, the zip file contains an XML file containing the translation blocks having missing translations.

Click Provider and click Send file in the list. Select if you want to use the default settings when creating the send file, or specify settings related to XLIFF-format.

The zip file is created later on in the process when you click Send. You will then also be asked to select settings, if you selected to ask for default settings.

You can send the translation job to a translation agency. In this case, the translation agency and Skribenta are integrated.

Click Provider and click Translation agency in the list. Select the translation agency in the list of agencies.

You can send the translation job to a user in Skribenta, having the role Translator.

Click Provider and Translator in the list. In the Translator list, select the user to send the translation job to.

When the user having the Translator role, log in to Skribenta they see a link to the job file in their overview aspect.

There are six types of methods to select what content to translate. The method determines how many translation blocks end up in the translation job file.

You can translate new and modified content in content files (you create new translation blocks in the translation memory) and you can add translations to created translation blocks in the translation memory.

It is possible to translate new and modified content in a content file. When you analyze the translation job, Skribenta creates a translation block in the translation job file for each block in the selected content file that is missing a translation on the target language.

The translation blocks in the translation job file are organized in the same order as in the content file.

Click What in the translation job and select File in the list that appears. Then browse to the content file in the workspace aspect.

When analyzing a content file, boolean variables are evaluated to true. This is because a content file do not have a configuration file associated as a publication has.

It is possible to translate new and modified content in a publication and all publications in a publication group. When you analyze the translation job, Skribenta creates a translation block in the translation job file for each block in the selected publications(s) that is missing a translation on the target language.

Click What in the translation job and select Publication or Publication group in the list that appears. Then browse to the publication or publication group in the publication aspect and select it. Select also workspace or publication edition.

When analyzing a publication, boolean variables are evaluated according to their true or false value in the configuration file.

It is possible to get the translation blocks in the translation memory containing certain words on the language selected on the From > Language tab, but missing translation on the language selected on the To > Language tab.

You get translation blocks in the translation job file if:

  1. The translation memory contains translation blocks having the words you supply on the language you select on the From > Language tab.

  2. These translation blocks do not already have a translation on the language you select on the To > Language tab.

Otherwise, Skribenta displays the message Number of blocks: 0. The translation job file is empty.

Click What in the translation job and select All of the words in the list that appears. Type the words in the Text box on the language selected on the From > Language tab.

The analysis to get the translation blocks is not case-sensitive. Typing Hello world returns translation blocks containing "hello world".

It is possible to get translation block(s) having a certain block ID in the translation memory, containing text on the language selected on the From > Language tab, but missing translation on the language selected on the To > Language tab.

You get translation blocks in the translation job file if:

  1. The translation memory contains translation block(s) having the block ID.

  2. These block(s) have a translation on the language you select on the From > Language tab.

  3. These translation blocks do not already have a translation on the language you select on the To > Language tab.

Otherwise, Skribenta displays the message Number of blocks: 0. The translation job file is empty.

Click What in the translation job and select Block ID in the list that appears. Type the block ID in the Block id box. You can get multiple translation blocks by separating each block ID with a comma.

It is possible to get all translation blocks in a certain memory version containing a translation on the language selected on the From > Language tab, but missing a translation on the language selected on the To > Language tab.

You get translation blocks in the translation job file if:

  1. The version of the translation memory contains translation block(s) having a translation on the language you select on the From > Language tab.

  2. These translation blocks do not already have a translation on the language you select on the To > Language tab.

Otherwise, Skribenta displays the message Number of blocks: 0. The translation job file is empty.

Click What in the translation job and select Memory version in the list that appears. Click the Memory version arrow and select the memory version of interest in the list.

It is possible to get all translation blocks containing a translation on the language selected on the From > Language tab, but missing a translation on the language selected on the To > Language tab.

You get translation blocks in the translation job file if:

  1. The translation memory contains translation block(s) having a translation on the language you select on the From > Language tab.

  2. These translation blocks do not already have a translation on the language you select on the To > Language tab.

Otherwise, Skribenta displays the message Number of blocks: 0. The translation job file is empty.

Click What in the translation job and select Language in the list that appears. Click the Memory language arrow and select the same language in the list, as selected on the From > Language tab.

To create or get the translation blocks that are missing translations on the language you select in the To tab, you analyze the translation memory.

Click Analyze to start the analysis work. The result of the analysis is a link to the translation job file.

At this point, the translation blocks only exist in the translation job file (and not in the translation memory). The translation blocks are created in the translation memory once you update the translation memory.

Click Progress in the Comments column in the translation job.

Click Warnings in the Comments column in the translation job.

The result of the analysis is a translation job file containing the translation blocks having missing translations.

Now, you add the translation(s). How depends on the method you selected in the previous step.

To translate directly in Skribenta, you expand the link to the translation job file. Expand any section in the job file until you see the translation block(s). Add the translation in the cell in the language row corresponding to the language you translate to.

Before you can send a translation job as a file to an external translator, you must update the translation memory. When updating the memory, the translation blocks in the translation job file are created in the translation memory. Then, you send the translation job, which means that a zip file is created containing a translate-this file.

Click Send to create a zip file containing the XML. A zip file is being downloaded to your local computer. You can then send this zip file to the external translator.

Once you have received translation job from the external translator, you upload the file to Skribenta.

Click Receive to browse and select the received XML file.

The result is a translation job file in which the translation blocks contains the translations.

Click Send to send the translation job to the selected translation agency. The result depends on the integration.

Click Send to send the translation job to a user in Skribenta, having the role Translator.

Skribenta displays a message "You are about to send the Job file to translation provider <translator in Skribenta> Do you want to proceed?"

You can add the translations you made in the translation job file, to the translation memory. This is called to update the memory.

Click Update in the translation job to update the translation memory. You can update the memory many times while working in a translation job.

If the translation block(s) in the translation job file do not exist in the translation memory, they are created when you click Update.

If the translation block(s) do exist, but not the translation you have added do not exist in these block(s), the language rows are created in the existing block(s) when you click Update.

Once you have examined and approved the translations in the translation job, you can click Approve to set the status for each text in the translation job to approved.

Once you have completed the translation job, you can set the status to closed. Click Close to mark the translation job as completed.

Closing a translation job does not affect any other ongoing translation job in the project, or affect the translation memory.