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Translation toolbar


On the Projects toolbar, you create three types of projects when working with translations: Translation projects, improvement projects and extension projects:

  1. Translate new and modified content: To translate new and modified content in, for example, one or several publications or files, you create a translation project. Skribenta creates a translation project file, which becomes visible in the Translation aspect, when you create a translation project.

  2. Improve existing translations: To improve existing translations in, for example, one or several publications or files, you create an improvement project. Skribenta creates an improvement project file, which becomes visible in the Translation aspect, when you create an improvement project.

  3. Migrate existing translations outside Skribenta: To migrate translations (done in other tools) to Skribenta, you create an extension project. Skribenta creates an extension project file, which becomes visible in the Translation aspect, when you create an extension project.

What you can do

To create a new translation project, click Translation on the Projects toolbar.

To create a new improvement project, click Improvement on the Projects toolbar.

To create a new extension project, click Extension on the Projects toolbar.