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Creating a link to content outside Skribenta


The procedure in this topic assumes Skribenta is installed and configured for normal operation, and:

You need to refer to a website or to a file residing outside Skribenta. This can be done by creating a link with a certain type.

It is possible to create a link to content outside Skribenta such as a website or a file residing outside Skribenta.

About this task

This instruction tells you how to create a link to content outside Skribenta.

This is the content before creating a link to content outside Skribenta:

This is the content after creating a link to content outside Skribenta.:

In the shown images, the XML tags are visible. To show XML tags, see Turning XML element tags on or off.

Open the file, then create a link to a website or a file residing outside Skribenta.

1 minute


In the shown images, the XML tags are visible. To show XML tags, see Turning XML element tags on or off.

1. Make sure that the step(s) in section "Starting point" (see section "Background" above) are performed.

An empty paragraph element is created.

The To tab on the link toolbar opens.

  • website, type the address to the website using the form http://webaddress in the File box.

  • file residing outside Skribenta, type the path to the file outside Skribenta using the form file://file path/filename in the File box.

A link element containing the file name is created.

In the shown images, the XML tags are visible. To show XML tags, see Turning XML element tags on or off.

1. Make sure that the step(s) in section "Starting point" (see section "Background" above) are performed.

The To tab on the link toolbar opens.

  • website, type the address to the website using the form http://webaddress in the File box.

  • file residing outside Skribenta, type the path to the file outside Skribenta using the form file://file path/filename in the File box.

A link element is created.