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Creating a titled-block wrapper


The procedure in this topic assumes Skribenta is installed and configured for normal operation, and:

Maybe you need something else besides sections and block wrappers to organize your content in? Then you can use titled-block wrappers, which also have titles. Published content in titled-block wrappers can be styled differently from content in sections and block wrappers to distinguish the differences between them.

It is possible to build a certain information structure using sections and titled-block wrappers in combination. For example, chapters and topics used in the Information Mapping methodology can be realized by sections and titled-block wrappers, respectively, in Skribenta. It is also possible to put a titled-block wrapper in a block wrapper and vice versa.

About this task

You will learn the task to create a titled-block wrapper.

This is the content before creating a titled-block wrapper:

This is the content after creating a titled-block wrapper:

In the shown images, the XML tags are visible. To show XML tags, see Turning XML element tags on or off.

Open the file, then create a titled-block wrapper in the file.

1 minute


In the shown images, the XML tags are visible. To show XML tags, see Turning XML element tags on or off.

1. Make sure that the step(s) in section "Starting point" (see section "Background" above) are performed.

A wrapper list opens.

4. In the wrapper list, select Titled block.