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Creating an embedded image


The procedure in this topic assumes Skribenta is installed and configured for normal operation, and:

You need to create an image in your content by pasting an image from the Clipboard.

It is possible to create an embedded image by pasting an image from the Clipboard to the file content in Skribenta. The embedded image is inserted in an embed element.

About this task

This instruction tells you how to create an embedded image.

This is the content before creating an embedded image:

This is the content after creating an embedded image:

In the shown images, the XML tags are visible. To show XML tags, see Turning XML element tags on or off.

Open the file, then paste an image from the Clipboard to your file content in Skribenta.

Less than 1 minute


In the shown images, the XML tags are visible. To show XML tags, see Turning XML element tags on or off.

1. Make sure that the step(s) in section "Starting point" (see section "Background" above) are performed.

  • copy an image in another document outside Skribenta,

  • copy an image file on your computer (only works for SVG images and the most common raster images, for example PNG, JPG and GIF),

  • do a screenshot.

An embed element containing the image is created.

A pop-up list opens.

The embed toolbar opens,

The Size tab opens.

  • Description box, type a text that will be shown as an image tooltip in Skribenta and as an alternative text if published to HTML.

  • Publish width box, type the image publishing width, which can be absolute, relative, or set to original size:

    • Absolute: for example 10cm, 50mm, 100pt, 50px.

    • Relative: for example 50%, 100%. The image publishing width is relative to the available width at the image location.

    • Original size: Leave empty.

9. Click Apply.