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Including topic children


The procedure in this topic assumes Skribenta is installed and configured for normal operation, and:

You need to include the children elements of an element in another file in your content or configuration file. The children elements are the element content, including an eventual title element.

It is possible to include the children elements of an element in another file in your content or configuration file.

About this task

This instruction tells you how to include the children elements of an element in another file in your content or configuration file.

This is the file content before including the children elements of an element from another file.

This is the file content after including the children elements of an element from another file.

Open the file, then create an include to the children elements of an element in another file using the top toolbar.

Less than 1 minute


1. Make sure that the step(s) in section "Starting point" (see section "Background" above) are performed.

The Href tab on a toolbar opens.

A folder and file structure is displayed.

The resource ID and name of the selected file are displayed in the File box.

An alternative to get the desired file's resource ID, is to copy the file or an include element to the file, in the Workspace or Publications view, and then paste it into the File box.

All available element IDs in the target file are displayed.

It is possible to click the available element IDs to expand and preview the element content.

The selected element ID is shown in the Id box.

An include element is created. The text "children only" is added to the display label.

Note that only the target element content and its eventual title are included. The target element itself is not included.