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Searching within files


The procedure in this topic assumes Skribenta is installed and configured for normal operation, and:

You need to search for content within a file.

It is possible to do a filtered search of content within files in Skribenta. The search will only be done in opened files. When the search in the current file is completed, the search continues in the next opened file.

About this task

This instruction tells you how to search for strings within files.

This is the file content before searching for a string within a file:

This is the file content after searching for the string "StringX "within a file:

Open the Find field, set search filters, type a search string and search within files.

1 minute


1. Make sure that the step(s) in section "Starting point" (see section "Background" above) are performed.

If there is a particular file that you want to start searching in, click the file to select it.

A search box opens on the top toolbar.

  • for backward search.

  • for case-sensitive search.

  • for whole word search.

  • for search in attributes.

  • for approximate string matching search.

  • what type of information to search for:

    • Text - search for an exact string.

    • Words - search for one or several words in a string.

    • Invalid - search for XML validation errors.

    • Block - search for a block (paragraph or title) containing exactly this content.

    • File - search for a link, include or image pointing to a file with this resource ID.

    • Spelling mistake - search for spelling mistakes.

The first search hit is selected in the file content.

The next search hit is selected in the file content.

If the files are opened in the Nav frame, and the search in the current file is completed, the search continues in the next opened file.

If the files are opened as separate tabs in the Content frame, only the content on the selected tab is searched.

When the search is completed, a message is displayed.