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Setting a new password


You are starting to use Skribenta and have never logged in. The Skribenta administrator has created an account for you, and given you the address to the login page. You have not set a password.

Or, you have forgotten or want to change a previous set password.

About this task

This instruction tells you how to set a password for your user account in Skribenta. The instruction is valid for a Skribenta installation following a two-step authentication login.

When you have completed this instruction, you have set a new password in Skribenta.


1. Make sure that the step(s) in section "Starting point" (see section "Background" above) are performed.

2. Open a web browser tab.

The Skribenta Login page opens.

The Set Password page opens.

Your email is your username in Skribenta.

You need to have an account in Skribenta to get a link to set a password. If you do not have an account, you cannot get pass the Set Password page. Contact the Skribenta administrator to request an account.

The verification email page opens. An email is sent to you containing information on setting a password.

7. Open the verification email from Skribenta titled "Skribenta Password Reset".

The Set New Password page opens.

9. Type a password and confirm the password.

The Skribenta Login page opens.

Your password is set. You can now log in to Skribenta.