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Setting a profile name and photo


The procedure in this topic assumes Skribenta is installed and configured for normal operation, and:

You want to set your user profile name and photo.

It is possible to set a user profile name and photo.

About this task

This instruction tells you how to set a user profile name and photo.

This is an example of the Account button before setting profile name and photo.

This is an example of the Account button after setting profile name and photo.

Open your Account settings and then type your user profile name and upload and set a profile photo.

1-2 minutes


1. Make sure that the step(s) in section "Starting point" (see section "Background" above) are performed.

The Account toolbar opens.

The Profile tab opens.

A File Explorer window opens.

It is possible to select several image files at the same time.

2. Click Open.

The selected file(s) are shown on the Profile tab with a message to the right of the file name:

  • New - if the file is new

  • Updated - if the file already exists, but its content is updated.

A message from the browser opens.

The files are uploaded to your ProfilePhotos folder.

Your ProfilePhotos folder opens.

A preview of the selected image is displayed.

11. If you want to use the default profile photo, click Reset photo.

The profile photo on your Account button is updated.