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Showing and hiding frames


The procedure in this topic assumes Skribenta is installed and configured for normal operation, and:

You want to work with your content using different frames.

It is possible to work with content using different frames.

About this task

This instruction tells you how to work with content using different frames.

This is the Skribenta user interface before opening the Content and Tools frame.

This is the Skribenta user interface after opening the Content and Tools frame.

To open or close a frame, click the corresponding button in the frame bar.



1. Make sure that the step(s) in section "Starting point" (see section "Background" above) are performed.

  • Click the Aspect button to open or close the Aspect frame.

    The Aspect frame contains the Aspect bar.

  • Click the Nav button to open or close the Navigation frame.

    The Navigation frame contains the Workspace view.

  • Click the Content button to open or close the Content frame.

    The Content frame shows the file content for each selected file on a separate tab.

    The Navigator frame and Content frame can not be closed at the same time.

  • Click the Tools button to open or close the Tools frame.

    The Tools frame contains three tabs: Help, Tools, Properties.

A pop-up list opens.

  • Close to close the tab.

  • Close Others to close the other tabs in the current frame.

  • Close Tabs to the Left to close the tabs to the left of the selected tab.

  • Close Tabs to the Right to close the tabs to the right of the selected tab.

  • Close All to close all the tabs in the current frame.

  • Move to the Navigation frame (or Move to the Content frame) to move the selected tab to the other frame.

  • move a tab using a drag-and-drop operation on the tab icon (then drop it on another tab).

  • close a tab by clicking on the cross on the tab.