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Creating a new image file by drag-and-drop


The procedure in this topic assumes Skribenta is installed and configured for normal operation, and:

You need to import an image file from a drive on your computer to a folder in Skribenta.

It is possible to upload one or several image files to Skribenta from a drive on your computer by using a drag-and-drop operation. The image file(s) can then be pasted to a particular folder in Skribenta.

About this task

This instruction tells you how to import an image file from a drive on your computer to a folder in Skribenta using a drag-and-drop operation.

This is the folder before importing an image file:

This is the folder after importing an image file:

Import an image file from a drive on your computer to a folder in Skribenta using a drag-and-drop operation followed by a paste operation.

1 minute


For image file formats supported in Skribenta, see Supported image file formats.

The following characters can not be used in a file name in Skribenta:

( ) \ / : * ? " < > | % # ;

A message to the right of the top toolbar is displayed.

4. In the Workspace view, browse to the folder that you want to paste the image file(s) to.

A pop-up list opens.

The Folder toolbar opens.

A Confirm dialog box opens.

If a file with the same name already exists in the folder, a second Confirm dialog box opens.

If you want to:

  • import the file with a new name, click Copy name.

    The image file is imported to the folder with a new file name.

  • overwrite the existing file, click Replace.

    The image file is imported to the folder and overwrites the existing file.