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File properties

Locking and saving a checked-out file


The procedure in this topic assumes Skribenta is installed and configured for normal operation, and:

You need to lock a file to be able to edit it without interference from other users.

It is possible to lock a file to prevent anyone else from editing the file. Only one user at a time can lock and edit a file. The file is auto saved and unlocked after 1 minute if you do not continue editing the file.

About this task

This instruction tells you how to lock and save a file.

When you start working on a file it will be locked and Lock and Save button will become highlighted.

lockandsavenohiglight lockandsave

Open the file, then edit the file content and save the file.

Less than 1 minute


1. Make sure that the step(s) in section "Starting point" (see section "Background" above) are performed.

2. Browse to the checked out file in the Workspace view or the Publications view.

If the file is locked by another user, a message is displayed.

The file is now locked and has unsaved changes.

On the top toolbar, the Lock button and the Save button have a gray background.

The file is saved and unlocked.

The gray background color on the Lock button and the Save button is gone.

The file is auto saved and unlocked after 1 minute if you do not continue editing the file.

1. Make sure that the step(s) in section "Starting point" (see section "Background" above) are performed.

2. Browse to the checked out file in the Workspace view or the Publications view.

If the file is locked by another user, a message is displayed.

The file is locked.

The Lock button has a gray background.

The file is still locked and now has unsaved changes.

The Save button has a gray background.

The file is saved and unlocked.

The gray background color on the Lock button and the Save button is gone.

The file is auto saved and unlocked after 1 minute if you do not continue editing the file.


Unable to edit the file because it is locked

Sometimes you can not edit a file because it is locked by another user.

If this happens, check if anyone is actively working on the file. If not, they probably shut down Skribenta without releasing the lock.

The solution is to remove the lock by right-clicking in the file and selecting Master file > More > Forced unlock.

This will remove the lock and allow yourself to lock and edit the file.