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Publishing a publication


The procedure in this topic assumes Skribenta is installed and configured for normal operation, and:

You want to publish a publication to an output format, such as HTML or PDF.

Information in Skribenta is stored in XML format. In order to deliver content from Skribenta, a stylesheet is required that transforms the XML content into some other format, such as HTML or PDF.

A publication consists of a content file and a configuration file. The content file typically includes information from other files. It also typically contains conditions and variables whose values are defined in the configuration file. This way, a publication becomes a variant of the content file, a variant defined by the variable values in the configuration file.

When you publish a publication, you select a stylesheet. Skribenta will first build the content that is part of the publication by evaluating conditions, collecting variables values, and fetching content from includes. After that, the selected stylesheet will transform the content from XML to the format defined in the selected stylesheet. When the publishing is done, you can view the result in the browser or download it to your local computer.

About this task

This instruction tells you how to publish a publication to an output format, such as HTML or PDF.

This is an example of the View tab before publishing a publication:

This is an example of the View tab after publishing a publication:

Browse to a publication in the Publications view and select edition, languages and stylesheet, then publish the publication.

The time it takes for publishing to finish depends on the size of the publication and what it contains. As a rule of thumb, a small publication is finished within 5-30 seconds while a large one can take several minutes.


1. Make sure that the step(s) in section "Starting point" (see section "Background" above) are performed.

The Publications view opens.

A pop-up list opens.

The Publication toolbar opens.

The View tab opens on the Publish tab.

  • Click Edition to select workspace or publication edition to publish.

  • Click Languages to select publishing languages.

  • Click StyleSheet to select publishing output format.

The publishing process is started.

A list with the published languages is displayed.

  • Click the button to view the published output.

    If possible, the published output is opened in the web browser. Otherwise, it is downloaded from the server to your computer.

  • Click the button to download the result.

    The published output is downloaded from the server to your computer.

  • Click the button to open the publication's content file.

    The content file is opened on a separate tab.

  • Click the button to open the publication's configuration file.

    The configuration file is opened on a separate tab.

The published output is downloaded from the server to your computer.