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File properties

Searching for files


The procedure in this topic assumes Skribenta is installed and configured for normal operation, and:

You need to search for files in Skribenta.

It is possible to do a filtered search for a string in all files on the server (including all workspaces).

About this task

This instruction tells you how to search for files on the server.

This is the Search aspect before searching for files on the server:

This is the Search aspect after searching for files on the server:

Open the Search aspect, set search filters, type a search string and search for files on the server.

1 minute


1. Make sure that the step(s) in section "Starting point" (see section "Background" above) are performed.

The Search aspect opens.

  • search for a string with multiple words in exact sequence, select Sequence.

  • search using approximate string matching, select Approximate.

The Search function:

  • is not case-sensitive. For example, "StringZ" finds files containing "StringZ", "stringZ", "Stringz" and "stringz".

  • does not find hidden text.

  • does not find text in XML attribute values.

It is possible to:

  • use the wildcard character "*" in the Words box. For example, "Stri*" finds files containing "String", "Strings", "StringX", "StringY" etc.

  • use the replacement character "?" in the Words box. For example, "String?" finds files containing "StringZ", "StringX", "StringY" etc.

It is not possible to use only "*" or "?" in the Words box.

A list of files (search hits) is displayed with the search string highlighted in yellow.

It is possible to expand a file in the list and view the content. If the file is available in your workspaces, and you have update rights, you can edit the file content directly here.

The Advanced search options are displayed.

  • file property name, type it in the Property name box.

  • file property value, type it in the and value box.

  • file save time:

    • type from-date in the From date box, or click the clock symbol to select the date from a calendar.

    • type to-date in the To date box, or click the clock symbol to select the date from a calendar.

  • file name, type a string in the Filename box.

  • file extension, type it in the File extension box.

  • files in a specific folder, type or copy-and-paste the resource ID of the folder in the Inside folder box.

  • file language, type the language code in the File language box, or click the arrow and select it from the list.

  • file ID or index number, type it in the Id or index box.

  • file saved by user, type the username in the Saved by user box.

  • all versions of a file containing the string, select All versions.

  • The Search function is not case-sensitive.

  • It is possible to use the wildcard character "*" and replacement character "?" in the and value, Filename, File extension, File language and Saved by user boxes.