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Checking in all publications in a publication group


The procedure in this topic assumes Skribenta is installed and configured for normal operation, and:

You have publications in a publication group that are, for example, ready for review. You need to prevent file versions, belonging to these publication versions, from being edited from this point.

It is possible to check in all files belonging to publications in a publication group at the same time (for example when the publications are ready for review) by checking in the publication group. All files belonging to the publications are checked in.

When the files are checked in, the current file versions can not be edited anymore. The checked-in publication version (edition) is then possible to select when publishing the publication before sending it for review.

About this task

This instruction tells you how to check in all files belonging to publications in a publication group to prevent the file versions from being edited anymore.

These are the resource versions before checking in publication group Example:

Publications view

Workspace view

These are the resource versions after checking in publication group Example:

Publications view

Workspace view

Browse to the publication group in the Publications view, then check in the publication group.

Less than 1 minute


1. Make sure that the step(s) in section "Starting point" (see section "Background" above) are performed.

2. In the Publications view, browse to the publication group that you want to check in.

A pop-up list opens.

The Publication group toolbar opens.

The Check-in tab opens.

This is just an analysis and the folders and files are not affected in any way at this step.

All files used in the publication must exist in the workspace, otherwise warnings will be presented during the check-in analysis and the check-in is not possible.

For example:

If the Label box is left empty, "CIP" is automatically used as label.

Next to the top toolbar, a message is displayed telling that the check-in is ready.

The publications and all files belonging to the publications, are checked in, and version numbers are increased.

Publications view

Workspace view

The label and history information for the checked in publication versions are shown when exploring the publication versions.

The EditionFile.xml shows which resources and versions that were checked in for the particular publication version (edition).