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Downloading files and folders


The procedure in this topic assumes Skribenta is installed and configured for normal operation, and:

You need to export files and folders from Skribenta. If a downloaded folder contains files with links to files within the folder, the links are converted from logical to relative.

It is possible to export files and folders to a destination outside Skribenta. A folder is downloaded as a compressed ZIP file.

About this task

This instruction tells you how to download files and folders from Skribenta.

Single file (containing links to resources outside the file)

Folder (containing multiple files containing links to resources within and outside the folder)

Result of downloading

One file is downloaded.

Links point to the resource file name including the resource ID.

A zip file containing the selected folder when exporting and all the files in the folder organized in their subfolders.

Links to child resources become relative (path to subfolders are included) and point to the resource file name excluding the resource ID.

Links to resources outside the selected folder when exporting point to the resource file name including the resource ID.

When uploading the zip file, links are converted and point to the resource ID the uploaded files get.

An S_INF file is created and included in the zip file.

Result of exporting

A zip file containing all the resources the selected file is using. If the selected file is including other files, they are also exported to the zip file. All these resources are organized in a folder structure according to how they are organized in the workspace.

Links become relative (path to subfolders are included) and point to the resource file name excluding the resource ID. When uploading the zip file, links are converted and point to the resource ID the uploaded files get.

A zip file containing the selected folder when exporting and all the files in the folder organized in their subfolders.

Links to resources within the folder and outside the folder point to the resource file name including the resource ID.

Browse to a file or folder in Skribenta, select it and choose Download.

Less than 1 minute


1. Make sure that the step(s) in section "Starting point" (see section "Background" above) are performed.

  • a folder, browse to the folder in the Workspace view.

  • a file, browse to the file in the Workspace view or the Publications view.

    In the Publications view, you can only browse to a content or configuration file that is connected to a publication.

A pop-up list opens.

The File or Folder toolbar opens.

If the resource exceeds a certain file size limit, a Confirm dialog box opens.

  • Click OK to confirm and start the download.

The resource is downloaded to your computer.

A folder is downloaded as a compressed ZIP file. The ZIP file also contains a file called S_INF.xml, which stores properties such as language codes, for all files in the folder.

If a downloaded folder contains files with links to files within the folder, the links are converted from Skribenta links to relative.