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The link element


The link is used to create links. A link appears as a clickable link in, for example, a PDF.

What you can do

You can do the following tasks on the link element:

The tasks you can do depends on your user role.

You can add metadata to the link element to distinguish it from other link elements. You might, for example, want to style the content of a specific link element differently compared to other link elements.

To add metadata, you add a value for an XML attribute, such as the class or type attribute.

The available XML attributes in Skribenta are class, type, label, id, condition, xml:lang, data-emoji and data.

You can add a value to the class attribute to specify what purpose an element has. Furthermore, you can, for example, set the class attribute value to spare-part-list for a table to say that the table contains spare part components.

A number of elements in Skribenta has a value for the class attribute when you create them. For example, the wrapper element.

  • class = note: Makes a note wrapper containing information that is important to highlight.

  • class = warning: Makes a warning wrapper to inform about dangerous aspects of handling a product.

  • class = figure: Makes a figure wrapper often containing an image with a title.

Skribenta can be configured to let you select attribute values from a predefined list, which can be specific for a given element.

For instructions, see:

Various values can be added to the type attribute for an element to specify that it belongs to a specific type.

A specific type on, for example, a table element allows to style the table differently in a PDF compared to other tables. For example, setting the attribute type to Big is a common way to allow a table span across side margins in a PDF to make the table bigger.

The type attribute can have one or more values. The type attribute is often used in conjunction to the class attribute to specify different types of element of the same class.

Skribenta can be configured to let you select attribute values from a predefined list, which can be specific for a given element.

For instructions, see:

You can put a label on an element to make the content of the element, for example, context-sensitive (the behavior depends on the style sheet). To label the element, you set a value for the label attribute on the Attributes > Label tab.

It is possible to make an element uniquely identifiable in the content file or configuration file. An element ID is represented by a unique value for the id attribute on the element.

An element ID is unique since several elements in the same content file or configuration file cannot have the same element ID.

To make a link to another target element, the target element must have an element ID.

The first character in the element ID must be a letter or an underscore.

It is possible to let Skribenta generate element IDs automatically on certain elements (maintitle, section, table, figure wrapper and block wrapper), in content files and configuration files.

For instructions, see:

It is possible to conditionalize an element, and thereby all the content in the element, by adding a Condition attribute to the element.

By using a variable in the condition, the condition can be evaluated differently depending on the variable value defined in the publication's configuration file. You can then use the same content file in multiple publications, and let the variable value control the published output.

Setting a condition on the include element is not recommended. Instead, set the condition on the included file's maintitle if the condition applies to all places the file is included. If the condition do not apply for all the different places an included file is reused, wrap the include element in an if-wrapper element.

You can set an explicit language on elements containing content written on another language compared to the language in the rest of the content file.

Content in elements having a set language are ignored when translating. Thus, when publishing translations, the content in elements having a set language is always kept as is.

Select the explicit language for the element on the Attributes > Language tab.

You can add an icon on an element to make it visually stand out in your content file to, for example, locate it easily when editing many elements.

Select an icon for the element on the Attributes > Icons tab.

You can add custom metadata to an element to process it in some specific way. Apart from the standard XML attributes in Skribenta, it is possible to set user-specific attribute values using the data attribute.

For instructions, see:

On the link toolbar, click Attributes > All to display the list of all attribute values on the link element.

It is possible to delete an attribute from an element in your file.

For instructions, see:

You can format the content of the entire link element to, for example, bold. Or, define a font family, size, color and background.

Setting bold, italic, and underlined is visible both in Skribenta and in the published result.

Setting font family, size, color and background affect the presentation of content in Skribenta. Whether font family, size, color and background is visible in the published output depends on the stylesheet.

When formatting the link element using the Format tab in the toolbar, you set a style attribute on the link element. This is different from using Format in the top toolbar, as you then insert an inline format element.

It is possible to make text in bold. You can make certain words bold or all make all content in an element bold.

For instructions, see:

It is possible to make text italic. You can make certain words italic or all make all content in an element italic.

For instructions, see:

It is possible to make text underlined. You can make certain words underlined or all make all content in an element underlined.

For instructions, see:

To set a font family for the entire link element, select Family on the Format tab.

To set a font size for the entire link element, select Size on the Format tab.

To set font color for the entire link element, select Color on the Format tab.

To set a background color for the entire link element, select Background on the Format tab.

It is possible to hide block content, such as complete paragraphs and sections, from appearing in the published publication. Hiding content is useful in cases you need to publish a draft version, and you do not want to show certain content. You can select multiple block elements and hide them.

For instructions, see:

It is possible to change an element from one type to another. This is called to transform the element. The content of the element is not affected by the transformation.

You can transform the link element to a:

  1. include element. The link element becomes an include element which includes the file instead of linking to it.

You can also remove the link element, which is called unwrap. When unwrapping, the link element becomes a paragraph element.

On the link toolbar, click Transform.

For instructions, see:

It is possible to cut content in a file to the clipboard in different ways. It is possible to:

  • cut content in an element to the clipboard


  • cut one or several elements (including all their content) to the clipboard.

For instructions, see:

It is possible to copy content in the file to the clipboard in different ways. It is possible to:

  • copy content in an element to the clipboard


  • copy one or several elements (including all their content) to the clipboard.

For instructions, see:

It is possible to paste content from the clipboard to the file.

For instructions, see:

It is possible to generate a list of all files that are including and/or linking to your file.

When a file is included in another file, which is used in a publication, the list also shows the publication.

When a file is only linked to from another file, which is used in a publication, the used-by list do not show the publication.

You can also get a list of files using a particular image file.

You can generate a used-by report either from the file itself in the workspace, or from the include, link and image element pointing to a file.

It is possible to generate a list of all files and publications a translation, improvement and extension project is linking to.

A used-by list opens in a new tab. For each listed file in this tab, you can generate a used-by list.

Files in hidden include, link or image element are not shown in the used-by list.

For instructions, see: