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A publication is used to represent a specific deliverable, such as a product manual for a certain product model. That way, a publication is a digital twin. A publication is indicated by a book icon .

A publication points to one content file and one configuration file. When you publish a publication Skribenta uses a stylesheet to build the output file, such as a PDF or HTML website.

Creating a publication

For instructions, see:

What you can do

You can do the following tasks on the publication:

The tasks you can do depends on your user role.

Information in Skribenta is stored in XML format. In order to deliver content from Skribenta, a stylesheet is required that transforms the XML content into some other format, such as HTML or PDF.

A publication consists of a content file and a configuration file. The content file typically includes information from other files. It also typically contains conditions and variables whose values are defined in the configuration file. This way, a publication becomes a variant of the content file, a variant defined by the variable values in the configuration file.

When you publish a publication, you select a stylesheet. Skribenta will first build the content that is part of the publication by evaluating conditions, collecting variables values, and fetching content from includes. After that, the selected stylesheet will transform the content from XML to the format defined in the selected stylesheet. When the publishing is done, you can view the result in the browser or download it to your local computer.

For instructions, see:

It is possible to stop an ongoing publishing process.

For instructions, see:

It is possible to filter a publication structure to make it easier to find a publication.

For instructions, see:

It is possible to change the content file for a publication.

For instructions, see:

It is possible to change the configuration file for a publication.

For instructions, see:

It is possible to rename a publication or publication group.

For instructions, see:

It is possible to move a publication or publication group to another location in the Publications tree structure.

For instructions, see:

It is possible to hide publications that are not part of the workspace by putting them in publication groups that are only visible in selected workspaces.

For instructions, see:

A publication can be checked in and out. As such, a publication gets a version history.

It is possible to check in all files belonging to a publication at the same time (for example when the publication is ready for review) by checking in the publication. All files belonging to the publication are checked in.

When the files are checked in, the current file versions can not be edited anymore. The checked-in publication version (edition) is then possible to select when publishing the publication before sending it for review.

For instructions, see:

It is possible to publish a comparison of the content of two publication editions. The comparison can be detailed or not detailed.

For instructions, see:

It is possible to compare the content of two consecutive publication versions.

For instructions, see:

It is possible to delete publications and publication groups.

For instructions, see: